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  1. W

    Network Monitoring

    hehehe. yeah we've got fixed broadband wireless through a mircowave dish on the roof (there's a RIM between the exchange and us); and whenever there's a strong wind, cloud, rain hanging around Mt Nebo, timeouts r us.
  2. W

    Network Monitoring

    Hi aaaarghhh. Yeah I've had a look at shutting down various ports. I have a Billion as a backup router, and will get that out to see if its network rules are more comprehensive. Hope you are well these days.
  3. W

    Network Monitoring

    I am sorry you see it as a personal attack Skater. My comments that you have quoted, were based on some of Lil Skater's earlier views which included : "He's an adult in a few months and I think at that age they deserve their privacy, if my parents did this to me when I was 17 I'd probably tell...
  4. W

    Network Monitoring

    That and then some Invstor. I actually would prefer all kids (girl or boy) avoid the downside so they can get about building a better world for themselves and all....via vision, aspiration, self discipline, education, insight, determination, mental & physical health, and lots of other things...
  5. W

    Network Monitoring

    I make a statement that I want my son to aim to be a good bred winner, and some assume I believe women should be bare foot, pregnant, and uneducated. Then the likes of CJ come along and allude parents have no rights to limit a minor's independence and free will. This type of ill considered...
  6. W

    Network Monitoring

    CJ, your comments are illogical.....I suggest you stick with whatever views you feel are substantiated in your reality, but are unprepared to declare here. By your logic, no child should have gender roles enforced on them because a parent never knows whether they are harboring trans gender...
  7. W

    Network Monitoring

    Mary, are you at work at the moment? Where's Mat? I have made no comment that suggests I believe men should under all circumstances have privileged education rights and women should not be encouraged to have careers. Anyone drawing these conclusions needs to look at their own biases and...
  8. W

    Network Monitoring

    CJ, rather than contribute flames full of non sequiturs suggestive of a fragmented mind, how about organizing your extensive experience and views on parenting into cohesive practically applicable doctrine that covers all likely scenarios. Then get back and express it in less than 100 words.
  9. W

    Network Monitoring

    I don't have daughters. Besides, I wouldn't encourage my son to rely on paid maternity leave to cover the mortgage while his partner is having one of several babies. If you want to play the 'what if' logic, what if he gets hit by a bus and dies tomorrow. Does that mean he as an individual...
  10. W

    Network Monitoring

    James, how lucky am I to have a childless Gen Y straightening me out on child rearing......and not any child rearing, but the brand new hip and happenin version.
  11. W

    Network Monitoring

    I am sorry you seem to be finding it hard to be away from your parents LS. Maybe you can understand that your parents like me, are motivated to equip our children to enjoy the challenges and opportunities of life, rather than endure them in pain, loneliness, costly errors, and fatigue. Believe...
  12. W

    Network Monitoring

    I can only presume the extreme and bizarre slant you put on my views is indicative of some unresolved issue you have with authority.
  13. W

    Network Monitoring

    I think there is something developmentally delayed about kids/adolescents who expect unconditional parental love, no matter their actions. It more often spills over to expecting same from society, teachers, employers, police, courts. It is quite pathetic actually.
  14. W

    Network Monitoring

    And maybe you could just rely on the gubmint to pick up the pieces of your kids messing with drugs, crime, and screwing up financially. No wonder Australia needs a big welfare safety net.
  15. W

    Network Monitoring

    It sends shivers up my spine that you believe you hold the high moral ground when you and your husband are punishing both his parents 26 years later for the behavior of one of them. There's no forgiveness and understanding in that whatsoever.
  16. W

    Network Monitoring

    Lil Skater, people have different values. My values are similar to my parents and their parents. And that involves boys getting the best education they possibly can, so as to prepare them to be a primary bred winner for a wife and children. Our 17yo is in his last and most important year of...
  17. W

    Network Monitoring

    M&M, I mentioned a few posts back, that my Mum used to covertly search our rooms top to bottom when she thought we were smoking marijuana. It didn't destroy my love and respect for her in any respect. Sure I was angry at her. But any kid who is acting against their parents' wishes will have an...
  18. W

    Network Monitoring

    Stran, if my kid was doing something I didn't want them to do, I wouldn't expect them to tell me. And that was certainly the case with the binge drinking party when we were away. The 17yo forfeited my trust in him when he lied about the party. If I suspect they are up to other illicit stuff, I...
  19. W

    Network Monitoring

    Well said Steve. Some people place more importance on protecting and developing their kids' bodies, than their minds. Which is more important to their life success I ask. Even when my kids are 25 30 40, they won't be able to do whatever they want when they are at my place. If they want to...
  20. W

    Network Monitoring aware of those but it is a notebook. random audits are in the pipeline, which only requires a login password hack. Will, there's GPS Tracker software available for iphones that does the same. a kid is less likely not to have his phone with him 24/7.