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  1. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Sounds like a waste of time. Your TER should speak for itself anyway without any further validation.
  2. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    All of us are in the rat race in some stage of our lives.
  3. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    I'd be afraid ;)
  4. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Chances are the super geeky guy will be richer at the end of the day
  5. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    I actually think too much education is detrimental. It's the main cause of analysis paralysis
  6. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    true 'smart' people don't need accolades to be succesful
  7. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Every generation has its poor and wealthy people. Hope you can get yourself out of it.
  8. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Do you really need 2, 3 degrees to be successful? How many successful businessmen have PhDs?
  9. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Wouldn't you be angry if you started out work, knowing you will be stuck in the rat race for 30 years?
  10. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Couldn't agree more with targeting your market.
  11. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Thank you - I am indeed magnificient.
  12. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    If people are stupid enough to believe it, then they are responsible for it. He never took a gun to their head and told them to stay away from real estate. We don't live in a nanny-state...yet.
  13. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Hardly. I'm tired of people spouting out useless dribble from people who don't even make any money except their fortnightly wage.
  14. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    I'm someone who doesn't listen to rat-race employees.
  15. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Do as Mr Average does and you will remain Mr Average. I'm only out of uni for a few years but already I don't even apply any of what I learned - shows you what a waste of time it all really was. Spend 5 years in university to end up in a rat race job paying 50k and being unhappy....
  16. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Economists are fools. They are just rat-race employees. Why take advice from these kind of people?
  17. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    I wouldn't try to tell experienced investors how to suck eggs.
  18. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    If he was so good, he wouldn't be telling everyone else what to do for free...He would be as rich as Warren Buffett
  19. W

    The great Oz property crash of 2005.

    Can the Economics students please go back to your textbooks? Real investors don't need to deal with such trifles.