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  1. Xenia IM

    PM making typo on lease contract

    What would be the risk to the client or to the agent? Worse case scenario is that the lease ends at one month. That's where it is at right now anyway!
  2. Xenia IM

    PM making typo on lease contract

    Had the same admin error been done on a 12 month lease - the lease would have ended the day before it began. Ie 20/2/15 - 19/2/15. And no leases do not travel above the speed of light - no relativity or time delay involved so it's obvious that it was an admin error and the intention was to...
  3. Xenia IM

    PM making typo on lease contract

    These are not nice tenants. The admin error is obvious - the lease documents would have been standard residential lease not a fixed short term lease. The lease term is also stated on other documents - application forms, bond forms etc.... I would treat it as a lease break situation - I...