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  1. albanga


    Very interesting Peter. Where do you believe Hobart current sits in this cycle? House prices are rising but nowhere near the rate of other majors and given that it would seem an opportune time to get in just before everyone else does?
  2. albanga


    Thanks for the replies all. Jess that was with my plugging in some rough figures and not taking into account the larger PM fees but still by all accounts 10% is achievable. I just find tassie an interesting prospect and as I said it is the only market behaving normally right now.
  3. albanga


    Hi All, Never thought I would start a thread on Tassie but wanted to get some people's opinions, ecspecially those with current investments there. I have been reading and through my own research have seen yields achievable around the 12% mark. Hobart in particular is the only capital with...