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  1. A

    What does $500 brl OIL mean??

    I would have thought the reverse: the price of oil goes up BECAUSE of the cost of extracting new supples. While some are not accessible by any known methods, some are, just at a high cost. But you're already assuming there will be a sudden rise in oil prices. Also, surely 2-4 years is very...
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    What does $500 brl OIL mean??

    Bill, while this is probably a form of 'she'll be right, mate' optimism, but isn't there still plenty of undeveloped oil out there? Oil shale, for example, in politically safe places like Canada, and oil in areas like Africa, South America, Iraq, etc haven't developed their oil supplies...
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    What does $500 brl OIL mean??

    I would say that western europeans in general have MUCH better public transport. Certainly in availability. Granted it's 'easier' for them because they have shorter distances to travel and greater population density. I think the biggest advantage they've had is the willingness to put money into...