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  1. always_learning

    No money, no income, how do I get started in Real Estate?

    If you have nothing, are hungry, dont have a home or even a pot to in, then I strongly recommend getting a JOB! Just call me a right wing loony! Having a JOB, is 100 times better waking up hungry in a gutter!
  2. always_learning

    No money, no income, how do I get started in Real Estate?

    Hobgob, how did you sell the idea to your finance partner? what does you finance partner get out of this exercise (the $9pw cashflow?), my memory of your purchase (congradulations BTW, I was 24 when I made my first purchase more than 3 years out of uni and 3 years of work) I would call a long...
  3. always_learning

    No money, no income, how do I get started in Real Estate?

    Hobgoblin, I though you just got a job with Qantas ? I also seem to remember your post in which it appeared that you did have a quite a reasonable deposit for the IP (50K was it?) Putting on my "right wing" hat for a moment, people who buy IP's shouldnt have their hand out for "my" tax money...