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    Petrol at $3 a litre

    Geez Acey, you're making me work :) 1. Ofcourse Fossil fuel is the easiest and cheapest source of energy in today's economy. Nowhere is it being costed in for the damage it is doing to our environment and green house ramifications. Big business won't change until it runs out or our...
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    Petrol at $3 a litre

    I agree, the biggest obstacle is our governments lack of interest and opposing interests of big business. Ofcourse nobody wants to factor in the enviromental damage/costs our current energy economy is based on. I do see that bio fuels are likely (if anything) to be bridging sources of energy...
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    Petrol at $3 a litre

    Richard It seems Sweet Sorghum is a good propect for ethanol production as it can grow in marginal areas. A few links: The other big question; is there enough land...
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    Petrol at $3 a litre

    Richard I'll try to get more info. I suspect Acey and others are much more knowledgable on this subject. I don't know about Sorgham but Brazil uses sugar cane and they do use the Bagasse to power their ethanol production and they have surplus energy that they feed onto the grid. Don't...
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    Petrol at $3 a litre

    Hi Acey I see that Brazil produces Ethanol using sugar cane (as we would) and it seems to be far more efffecient than using corn that the US use. Surely we could replicate what Brazil is doing, it would also be a lot more Green House friendly.
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    Petrol at $3 a litre

    I've seen articles indicating it cost more energy to produce Bio-fuels than it produces. But I have a problem with this. If this is the case then why does Brazil produce so much ethanol for fuel, surely they'd run out of petroleum (or cost them heaps in foreign exchange). Also I beleive...