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  1. B

    US foreclosures - Boholt Seminars - NO

    Yield I paid $115k for a surprisingly excellent house that would probably cost twice that to rebuild (I could not insure it for less than $200k). As mentioned before there are better yields to be had from cheaper properties (in USA...not Australia). Cheaper properties though may also be...
  2. B

    US foreclosures - Boholt Seminars - NO

    yield I guess a very conservative budget may allow for 50% costs More realistically yield after costs will be about 8.7% (depending on maintenance/repairs etc) I figure this gives me enough to pay the 7.6% on my Australian LOC plus a bit of spare change to boot wadaya know...still cash...
  3. B

    US foreclosures - Boholt Seminars - NO

    I got a good one too I settled a couple of days ago on a nice house in Green Valley. (Went a little more up-market than the $70k bargains) Would have never considered attending a spruiker session much less buying something off them...had to go to LV to see for myself. (ok so the shows...
  4. B

    US foreclosures - Boholt Seminars - NO

    Lawsjs note of thanks for providing the spark for all this... My theory is spend a bit more, get 10% in a nice neighbourhood, attract better tenants and hopefully see some nice capital gain. Exchange rate is another potential bonus Price per sq foot is obviously dependent on which...
  5. B

    US foreclosures - Boholt Seminars - NO

    Hello Somersofters Just coming clean and exposing myself to spark a bit more conversation. Have been following this thread from the outset and have bitten the bullet. Jumped on a plane to check it all out for myself. In Vegas at the moment and looking to buy! Might leave the $70k...