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  1. bob shovel

    is it fun being an accountant?

    I've seen the uni sa one but was leaning to Tafe first, cert 4 so I can get a qaul to have the option of book keeping etc, plus I can't see myself mixing well with uni. Then going to diploma and jumping across to open universities to finish. The Tafe portion will be cheaper than uni and...
  2. bob shovel

    is it fun being an accountant?

    yeah thats me i could never handle the airy fairyness of english at school but maths was good your right or wrong then outta there. once you know what your doing its smooth sailing! sorry for the posts, didnt know how to do multiple quotes. Thanks for all the replies and I look forward to you...
  3. bob shovel

    is it fun being an accountant?

    Yes,I can understand that. it is a different ball game! but the work I was on was bigger projects and I dont want to be travelling and chasing the work around the country, with a young family now we want to be settled and move when we want to not when the project ends. We always talk about...
  4. bob shovel

    is it fun being an accountant?

    I figured they're always needed and I have an interest. I see "boom" areas being oldies and SMSF and retirement in general with aging population etc. Plus the area of kids in debt, racking up credit cards and orgainising and tidying up their finances and educating them. Plus everyone on here...
  5. bob shovel

    is it fun being an accountant?

    I hope so cause i might be one! Currently I'm a stay at home dad but I've had my run and time to get back to work. I've got 10 years construction experience, mainly project engineering but more I'm looking for a change.With a family filtering work around the country isn't really ideal. I have...