Search results

  1. brazen

    Granny Flats and Battle Axe Blocks

    Hi Indira, Yes that's correct. You'd just need to convert the granny flat into an 'outbuilding' (shed or the like). Approval to convert will mean disconnecting the hard-wired stove and that legally decommissions it as a habitable dwelling. You could of course demolish it. Brazen.
  2. brazen

    Granny Flats and Battle Axe Blocks

    I see twodogs... yea, there's a vitally important rule to be applied here. Once you erect a granny flat in NSW you CANNOT subdivide. See SEPP rule below: Clause 24 No subdivision A consent authority must not...
  3. brazen

    Granny Flats and Battle Axe Blocks

    Hi sparis, The only 'special rule' for battle-axe allotments is that the driveway (access handle) must be at least 3 metres wide. There are no minimum front setbacks, so you can build in front of the main dwelling to a distance of 900mm from the front boundary if you wish. If building...