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  1. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    But then, they gave their not insignificant financial resources to the fighting of Workchoices in the last election, which tapped into the wider electorate fear (justified or not) that the Lib/Nats had gone too far in their legislation. They acted like a strong vested interest with money to...
  2. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    Really? So after 60 years of continued infiltration, are they any closer? Well aside from everyone calling each comrade :rolleyes: If there is a real concern about communism/socialism, maybe people should be concentrating the recent US experience (bank bail out, GM purchase), UK (purchase of...
  3. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    The Right and the Left know that you can't implement your agenda sitting on LHS of the speaker. The NSW right has been the ALP's power base for the past 25years. You mess with them, you are rooted. Rudd isn't the first to feel their wrath.
  4. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    Until we have election of a President (ala the US system), this is likely to occur from time to time under our Parliamentary system. No-one elected Rudd as PM. Only the voters in the electorate of Griffith, made him a MP. It was the ALP who elected him as their leader. It is their right to...
  5. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    Ahhh, Rudd didn't see the wirting on the wall either. Leaders never do. Whether that's a result of the character that's required to ascend to that position is also a set of blinders for when things turn sour, I don't know. Agree BH, Gillard et al did what Peter couldn't. And they did it...
  6. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    To believe automatically that all the baggage that is associated with JG will be her undoing is based on the false premise, that when the election finally comes, this broohaha that has taken place will be remembered. The electorate moves on quickly, this will be old news in a few weeks. The...
  7. buzzlightyear

    Bubye KRudd

    The change is primarily about the ALP's perception that they are dead in the water now under Rudd and that Gillard is a better choice. Secondary is obviously the Rudd style of leadership within the ALP. If Gillard is elected, she will be a harder opponent for the opposition undoubtedly...