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  1. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    5.4% plus 0.6% monthly saver bonus for balances less than $200k. Does that mean the average cost for the bank for this funding source is 6%? No. Its the surprising lack of nuance and broad brush statements from the banks about funding costs and their acolytes which really pisses me off.
  2. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    Marty, the deposit rates of 6% are generally 3 to 4 month specials with the actual savings rates in the low 4s. Term deposits vary between 3 to 5.7%.
  3. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    Bank of Melbourne up 0.10 to 7.4%
  4. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    St George have raised their SVR by 0.12% to 7.42%.
  5. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    Is this the same way retailers saying you are having an 80% off sale? But off what original price? I just don't believe the headline SVR today is the same as it was 15 years ago. You maybe right IV, but I am now far too cyncial about the spin by the banks. I would also argue that the...
  6. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    CBA increases SVR 0.10% to 7.41%
  7. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    Bendigo Bank raises their SVR by 0.15% to 7.45%
  8. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    So bank costs were falling pre-GFC and the banks were happy to simply move interest rates in line with the RBA movements? Things that make you go hmmm...
  9. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    'Tough' is a relative term i guess for the banking industry compared to say the retail sector. ;)
  10. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    These were 6 monthly results
  11. buzzlightyear

    Can you see banks raising interest rates?

    The whole issue is funding costs is clouded in mystery and imo deliberate spin. Peoples opinion are split based on their indebtedness not to do with the issue because how does the average Jo or even above average Jo really know the true story. By the way, why don't we hear about the times...