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  1. C

    Stacking up numbers with cash flow positive properties

    The problem with gains in the value of PPOR is that it is hard to access and/or enjoy without selling it or just having access to increased equity. It is very different to having cash in the bank or rent which also means cold hard cash. Whilst your ppor may have gained 1m, it is likely that...
  2. C

    Stacking up numbers with cash flow positive properties

    I thought that mansions are highly speculative plays. A 3m mansion consumes much resources, puts all your eggs into one basket, excludes most buyers, is definitely hugely cashflow negative on 105% borrow of purchase price and you are counting purely on one thing: capital gain. To quote Nathan...
  3. C

    Stacking up numbers with cash flow positive properties

    Yes there are definitely many ways to achieve an end result of 100k p.a. cashflow. Similarly, I would say that there are many who do not have the skills/expertise/temperament/discipline to build a significant asset base by means of leveraged investment, even on larger incomes than mine.
  4. C

    Stacking up numbers with cash flow positive properties

    I think this is just another form of a strict savings plan, with the added benefit of cap growth and contributions from rent.
  5. C

    Stacking up numbers with cash flow positive properties

    Another option is to save 2.5m and just buy the properties. Could be the simplest way if you are on a good income and minimal expenses/frugal life. After 15 years of back busting work, I have managed to save 2m. But it is getting easier to reach the 2.5m as time goes as the 2m is also put to...