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  1. C

    New Property Concept

    So, overall, we need more info.
  2. C

    New Property Concept

    Thats a very valid point. It is fairly unique. You had best push forward with a launch date, copyright the tradename, make a motza and then get out before imitators can come.
  3. C

    New Property Concept

    This topic has sparked amazing interest and hence whether it takes off or not, is feasible or not, I am sure money will and can be made out of it. Any idea that attracts attention will generally make some money. Whether it gets discredited quickly is another issue. Reno funder joined the forum...
  4. C

    New Property Concept

    I would suggest that you proceed rapidly and get the marketing/ website/ newspaper ads / media saturation underway. There is always a benefit of "first mover advantage".
  5. C

    New Property Concept

    May have made enough in six months to retire to the Greek Isles or party permanently in Ibiza. All we need in life is one big hit and this idea may well do it.
  6. C

    New Property Concept

    There must be many people who have an excellent business idea but lack the expertise to bring it to profitable fruition. The ideas man must then build a team to help him with investor sourcing, fund raising, reno team co-ordination, advertising, contract signing, etc. A bit like Bill Gates or...
  7. C

    New Property Concept

    This thread must surely have been of use to Reno funder in terms of nutting out intricacies of his proposal and having free brainstorming / troubleshooting - free of charge. I would be very keen to see a contract drawn up detailing the specifics mentioned in this thread which seem to be quite...
  8. C

    New Property Concept

    The success of this scheme depends on reno funder being: 1. familiar with the locale and pricing of a particular market 2. having the expertise to see what properties will benefit from a reno and is underpriced to begin with 3. having a reno team that works to time and produces quality work...
  9. C

    New Property Concept

    I think you would need to be far more established before the reno company gives a damn about your potential to give them more work. Lets say you take a job on the Central Coast for the first time under your proposed arrangements. The reno company will try to maximise their profits out of you...
  10. C

    New Property Concept

    Me personally, I would be keen to test drive the concept once the issues in this thread are clarified, placed in a contract form ratified by my lawyers, seen the quotes from a reputable reno company, etc. I like your concept and feel that it can work once all the minutiae are sorted out. And...
  11. C

    New Property Concept

    Very good answers. Do you offer the service on the Central Coast? How do you go about finding a reno company for Central Coast or areas you are unfamiliar with ? How much funding do you have to fund renovations? Do you provide guidelines for properties which have potential to benefit from...