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  1. C

    Do you even?

    I thought most Crossfits wouldn't let you just do Olympic lifts - you had to do the programs? Or maybe that was just for casual visits, and you had to be a member somewhere??
  2. C

    Do you even?

    Ecto stands for ectomorph. = tall, skinny-ish Endo = endomorph = shorter, fatter Meso = Mesomorph = Muscular, solid Its called somatotyping - a system of categorizing body types You usually get a rating out of 7 for each
  3. C

    Do you even?

    Just a couple of weights sessions a week, and usually one game of squash. Bit of running around with the kids every now and then. Trying to slowly get back into the weights after a long lay-off. Used to lift competitively. Goal is now to get back to reps on 140k bench. Might think...