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  1. C

    2015-2016 Budget

    There is no work test for the aged pension. The main criteria (outside of assets) is just age. You could've worked for 2 years, 50 years or even 0 years, and you'd still be entitled to receive it. They also don't care if you've spent your work earnings frivolously or if you saved or invested...
  2. C

    2015-2016 Budget

    So you support paying welfare to a pensioner who is a millionaire (which is what assets a bit over 823k makes you) but low income single mothers should get nothing?
  3. C

    2015-2016 Budget

    Not really. If you choose to drive into and park in the city and have an expensive take away lunch every day then that's your problem. I'm female and the only actual cost for me really is a weekly bus fare - a grand total of about $28. The clothes are similar to what I'd wear when going out...