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  1. C

    Australia's Hottest Summer on Record...

    Some more recommended reading: :)
  2. C

    Australia's Hottest Summer on Record...

    That's a creative interpretation :p I guess France, Switzerland, Croatia and all the other countries ranked much lower than us are not part of Europe. Of course, how horrendous. Spending one month out of each year commuting is certainly much better...
  3. C

    Australia's Hottest Summer on Record...

    I'm not sure how responsibility is relevant? The point I am making is that a lot of these things are a hindrance on our wellbeing, not something we should be trying to protect. If you are going to debate, please debate this point because arguing responsibility or otherwise doesn't make the...
  4. C

    Australia's Hottest Summer on Record...

    Well they're not "forced" in the sense of having a gun put to their head, but it's a bit difficult to play outside when you live in a suburb that doesn't have footpaths (which is becoming increasingly common), when their friends live a few kms drive away from them and/or when they live in a...
  5. C

    Australia's Hottest Summer on Record...

    I think it would make a bigger difference if we all consumed less instead of trying to put blame on 5 Sri Lankan refugees for our problems. It's not even about quality of life - most of these emissions are caused by things that are actually eroding our health and wellbeing. Having suburbs...
  6. C

    Australia's Hottest Summer on Record...

    Overpopulation is not a black and white issue. One person in Australia, for example, is not the same as 1 person in another country, in terms of resources used and total emissions. 1 person in Australia =...