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  1. C

    Fiscal trogolytes and property values

    Currencies, no one can predict. One will emerge as stronger out of this. My guess is probably the USD strangely enough. Gold is having a good day as well. In Deflation, well yes everything deflates, including living costs, probably rents and cabages. Assets tend to depreciate more than...
  2. C

    Fiscal trogolytes and property values

    Actually Keith, the CDS's on spain and ireland have increased massively in the last week. For Ireland 5 year credit default swaps on government bonds are about 250 basis points (2.5%) or a 1:40 chance for their government to default on government debt in the next 5 years. Now that is pretty...
  3. C

    Fiscal trogolytes and property values

    I would not invest based on the premise that only what I think is possible can occur. It is easier to imagine something when it occurs ! I agree with a lot of what NR has to say. I think it is very possible residential property will fall by 50%. That's just my view. I also think it is very...
  4. C

    Fiscal trogolytes and property values

    Well that's the question isn't it ? Why do you think it is different ? Remembering that people in the US thought exactly what you did, as did the people in the UK.
  5. C

    Fiscal trogolytes and property values

    It's like the super bonanza from John, a poison chalice. A bit of a boom and more downdraft. The government has great timing. I wonder if FHB's will be able to get another handout later if their properties do not do so well. First reduce returns on term deposits to zero, get everyone to...