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  1. cu@thetop

    Property Options

    Even cowboys get the options blues Well Broncos do anyway: Not a final decision but a complex one where even the big commercial boys have ended up arguing. If they have to roll out the Big Gun Barristers then what hope for Ma and Pa ?
  2. cu@thetop

    Property Options

    Commercial clients- never signed up. Ma and Pa clients- always signed up- too late. I have seen Rolton's name on a few of these hence my cynicism. Bit like a sell conveyance I did the other day. Client had come in with a sold contract at $371 k for a 2 bedroom qlder on a main road 4kms from...
  3. cu@thetop

    Property Options

    I think you will find that it is imperative for any up and coming option guru that there be no competition and that the property never hits the open market, The great thing about tying the property up with an option is that when it is under option you as option holder can freeze out the open...
  4. cu@thetop

    Property Options

    Usually a scam for the seller. Generally speaking, the options I have seen as a solicitor are usually ADHD style type A personality types who don't really add anything to the equation except an extra layer of cost to the ultimate developer. Although they will talk "win/win" you will find that...
  5. cu@thetop

    Property Options

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say thanks for sharing the tips. I have used a similar listing technique with 2 "exclusive" agents- usually agencies who hate each other's guts only the loser/non seller got nil. Options are a good little scam but don't get into them if...