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  1. datto

    Sanctuary Point NSW

    I didn't make it too obvious did I? lol
  2. datto

    Sanctuary Point NSW

    you're right, there's plenty of money to be made in all suburbs. I was only taking the p!$$ out of bogans. Well why not lol.
  3. datto

    Sanctuary Point NSW

    It's too late my friend, you have entered .....the bogan zone.....donot adjust your monitor. The needle on the bogan meter has swung so hard it has smashed the plastic cover and jabbed someone in the butt. You must now wait till 4.00 am when they finally get to sleep stoned and drunk, you then...
  4. datto

    Sanctuary Point NSW

    also keep away from houses with staffys. If there are wrecked commodores and staffys in the same house, then keep well away. At this point, the bogan meter will show a very high reading.