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  1. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    Hi Mike, So in what situation may this be appropriate? Why are so many against this? Say if I made 200K with my development 1 under my DT. I pass all the profit to a bucket company and it pays 60K tax and 140K now sitting in my personal 'bank'. 7 year P&I loan from then on, to use the funds...
  2. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    While recognising that our situation might be different, could you please elaborate on this a little? I have set up my SMSF with my accountant about the same time as the conversation about structuring development. But he did not mention this.
  3. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    Hi Terry, The testamentary trust deals with assets in personal name. Unfortunately there are a few before start using trusts/companies. So I will need a session sitting down with a lawyer to look through everything and plan ahead? Back to the structure used for developing any other...
  4. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    I have already done a spousal transfer in Victoria, no stamp duty but CGT apply. UT is great the more I think about it. What is the refinance principle you are referring to?
  5. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    Hi Terry, Thank you for the comment. My accountant did mention why don't I have a unit trust during our last meeting. I was thinking... I already have 3 DTs and a bunch of companies, just added a SMSF and another trustee company, soon if I buy a property under SMSF another bare trust, do...
  6. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    Thanks Paul, The explanation you offered on company simply defer tax, but at a cost makes sense. But the hope is that the day of the payout is when there is a tax benefit. Stay with your example, in several years when a child becomes an adult but have 0 income until finishes university. 70K...
  7. E

    My accountant recommended this. Any developers on here using a similar set-up?

    Of course Somersofter accountants and whoever else in the know are welcome to comment as well please! My current development No. 1 is held under a discretionary trust. At the time I was thinking bucket company. Now my understanding is that a bucket company is a short term fix...