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  1. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    I'm back there in Jan/Feb so i hope things are better by then. I'd say they will be cleaning up after the water subsides. Suvarnabhumi is fine.
  2. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    I was actually referring to your posts about hail damaging solar panels, solar arrays not being cost effective, all Labor voters sit around and get the dole, all Liberal voters are hard working industrialists that carry the nation.......and all the similar stuff you've posted that is just...
  3. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    What a load of BS! What about new start? What about housing commission? What about the system you're speaking of existing under a conservative govt? Mate, i think you've lost the plot?
  4. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    I agree entirely. But a little factual posting on the forum goes a long way.
  5. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    If that's the case then why was a Liberal MP in low income, outer western Sydney yesterday banging on about the carbon tax to his constituents? (Howard's aspirational classes, no less.) While, educated left wing Labor voters who can actually think living in higher income inner suburbs were hard...
  6. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    If that's the case, then why have 99% of criticism on this site been directed squarely at Gillard and Abbott? Again, more misinformation and utter bollocks.
  7. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Bob Brown said this afternoon that Tony Abbott will not be the leader at the next election. And i agree with him. You watch this Liberal party self destruct way before then. People think Labor is a rabble,, you watch Liberal in the next 2 years with the 'resident nutter' Abbot trying to hold...
  8. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    ......but typical.
  9. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Not to mention the fact they're hail proof and they do make economic sense for a residential or a commercial installation. But we have never let the facts get in the way of some good old fashioned Liberal scare mongering melodrama. Whys start now.
  10. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    I thought you gave up on all that girly melodrama Dazz. Unless Tony Abbott has taken over your forum profile.
  11. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    You guys remind me of the pea and the princess fairy tale. Seriously. :rolleyes:
  12. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Are you saying the Labor party is responsible fro some people doing it tough? We are better off post GFC than just about every other nation because of the Labor party. Some people do it tough all the time, big deal. When does this Liberal rubbish end? As is aid, from the right wing shock...
  13. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    ........Sorry? It was just more hysteria from you guys. The biggest tax ever seen. Ever!
  14. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Clutching at straws there i'd say. Dont you think thats a bit extreme. Moral Standing? Gimme a break. Doesnt mean it isnt "unconstitutional" Next the uptight righties will be calling it un Australian. :rolleyes: I'm sure i could easily find examples of a Liberal govt making reforms etc...
  15. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    The biggest in the history of the universe. Ever. :rolleyes:
  16. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Its revenue neutral for one. 2, what is so bad with life now that the constant Liberal hysterical whingeing never stops? And why is it unconstitutional/ Because there was no referendum? No mandate? That's nothing new.
  17. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    What's so bad about times now Jo? We are one of the only western countries not in recession. No austerity riots etc.... Life is great here. The carbon tax will not change a thing forthe man in the street. (or woman)...
  18. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    I stand corrected. Well, that's one example.
  19. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    Were the Libs voted in on that particular mandate? :rolleyes:
  20. evand

    The Biggest Tax EVER in Australia

    That ridiculous Mirabella was booted out of parliament for 24 hours, just to make the passage easier. She got all hysterical - not surprising considering shes Liberal - and her party lost her vote. Wouldn't have made any difference tho.