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  1. ffc1883_1996


    TheAnalyst Looks like you just got the NR “red card”. A successful LOE strategy might see you enjoy a very wealthy retirement and still qualify for the government pension. When NR mentioned he sold the castle five years ago, I was thinking that I’d been wasting my time reading his...
  2. ffc1883_1996


    I was a little ambiguous. We have been sent payments in the past few years under the guise of the Baby Bonus, Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Bonus, Rudmass Bonus. In some cases, we would have qualified because our taxable incomes were reduced through property related deductions.
  3. ffc1883_1996


    Don’t mind me, I’m just your average fiscal troglodyde going about my day. Yes – we still have some non-tax-deductible debt but it’s disappearing fast. Sounds like you may have made a wise investment decision. I must admit, was a little suspicious that you might have sold out because rent was...
  4. ffc1883_1996


    Oh man, nonrecourse. You really are committed to your position – big time! You convinced your missus to sell the castle just a couple of years before the “Inner Melbourne Mini Boom” of 06/07 and every day since then you’ve had to look her in the eyes and say “don’t worry – the crash is coming...