Search results

  1. investor

    No money, no income, how do I get started in Real Estate?

    Hi Paul Hmmm let me see now. You didn't have a job and yet you say you worked hard. Well then you had a job. Even being self employed is a job. Well I'm fresh out of school or uni, I have 80 bucks in the bank because that's all I could save from Austudy, I'm still living at home because I...
  2. investor

    No money, no income, how do I get started in Real Estate?

    Hi Captain Jean Luc Picard I am very intrigued as to how you are about to "embark" into an "enterprise" known as IP investing and "go where no man has gone before " by aquiring land on this "3rd planet from the sun" without a secure position on your "starship" and without any "latinum" !! :p...