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  1. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    They would be a come across as a normal applicant who has rented fom Dept of Hosuing, remember they may have rented privately already before coming to you, but rented off dept of Hosuing in the past... Their rental history woudl show they rented from Dept of Housing for xx long and that's it...
  2. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    too broad a base to judge with a simple y / n I've seen some families where you thought they owned the house / others where they could not care less about the place.... What are we meant to do if our govt departments are that hopeless
  3. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    see even I can't argue with that !
  4. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    MAte, I think you saw my answers we to pple who said asians stink up kitchens etc... quite a stereotypical remark, not a logical one based on evidence, As I said, wogs were thought to stink in th past, now they are no big deal, pple pay $30 a plate for spaghetti drowned in smelly cheese &...
  5. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    In the 50's - 60's, Greeks & Italians wwere thought of iliterate when it came to cooking- errr, they use olive oil you know (further stories & examples available if you like), now, Italians, Greeks & Germans are a-ok according to a previous poster, and weren't even offended back when they were...
  6. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    Never heard them copmplain ?? I am one of the above mentioned backgrounds. Yes I did & do hear them complain, of course they complained ! ... and at the same time, others we denying there was anything wrong with saying "go back home bloody wogs" I didn't say anyone said what they said to...
  7. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    Perhaps you misssed my example... In my example it was blantanlty obvious that I was just as bad if as the aboriginals, you could see it plainly... You'd still give me a go ? or perhaps you didn;t miss it
  8. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    And he wanted thsi done what ? before he would promise to pay his rent on time - geeeez Just visted my tenatn the other w/end - dropped of an exhaust fan for the bathroom as the other stopped working, he offered to install it as he;s an electrician, I made the pint of mentioning "if that was...
  9. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    Dazz, you say you don;t care wher epple come from as long as they pay the bills. MY point & Pushka's (I think) was that others DO care where people come from even if they can & do pay the bills. Same employing a staff member, if I don;t think they will turn up & do the job I won;t employ...
  10. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    why go to lengths about certain races when 1/2 the time you can tell on first sight if they are trustworthy or not - isn't THAT what it comes down to... If an aborignal family who looked like real bad troublemakers applied to rernt your place, and I & my family who looked just as bad &...
  11. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    Pushkka's post hit the nail on the head. I am surprised by people's naiivety - aisans smell / whoever don't wear shoes..... geeez, I honestly thought less people had those stereotypes in their heads.....dissapointing
  12. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    Wow. People really have blinkered views of "other" cultures don't they (?) First assumption = negative , assuming their cleanliness standard won;t be up to "ours"...... oh, but hang on, it;s been qualified "one indian / singapoeran peson left my kitchen a mess" (forgoet that the following...
  13. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    That sounds quite balanced Sash - afterall, the cons of emotions overriding investment decisons does seem to get repeated over & over, I too think it may be true... How would people think of investors from a minority ethnic group(s) holding the same view against the rest of the population ?
  14. jaycee

    Do you take race into account when making decision on tenant?

    Ian, that brings up the interesting question of what = the Australian race, or what equates to Australian (if you were to try that Japanese thing in Australia) ? We supposedly accept all people as Australian here (don't we ?), wouldn;t that make it a bit hard to do ?