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  1. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Seriously I think the foreseeability of damages is too remote Me too...
  2. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Ooops ! corrected...
  3. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Perhaps punting on something where you rely on a "person" , unsure if they actuall exist or not is the riskiest part of all ?I mean, if Dazz didn't dissapear of the forum by being forced out as you put it, he might have dissappeared like my previous imaginary friends..... Then what would I have...
  4. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    I'm not gonna pretend I understand the announcmement, just in case someone asks me why it's had the effect on tyeh share price it's had since coming out....
  5. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    I haven't gone through this before, so nothing is surprising to me.. I mean,.. I don't know what will happen, or why.... what's so surprising about that ?!
  6. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    are we there yet ? are we there yet ?
  7. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    now that would be a comfortable positon to be in.
  8. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Not if it gets sunnier...... Why not ? Maybe they had a plan and stuck to it and acheived what they set out to acheive... Meanwhile, I blindly buy and pray the rumours and innuendo I heard will come true & It try to not sell uintil the shares reach their ultimate peak... Which one of...
  9. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    I thought making hay when the sunshines was the clever thing to do ?;):D
  10. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Prices move all the time, somtimes they are movements worth worrying about, cause soemthing unexpected or bad happened, and other times they are not, they are just bumps in the road. Just cause it moved down 5 or so cents, or percent today, does this mean it's potential is over ?
  11. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Which we is obviously what we sorely need seeing as we have nothing to discuss on our own, gees we're a sad pathetic bunch, maybe that's why they were kicked off cause they aren't boring like us....
  12. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Lets' start a thread about it ! Or, perhaps that's not necessary.. let's just post it in every thread !
  13. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    So what should I Willair ?
  14. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    actually, at my incoming price for both shares, it's more like sell 1/2 soon not a 1/3...
  15. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    ...wondering the same thign for this and 1 other one I got too.... hmmmmm
  16. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    yep 90c today That's a 42% increase in the last 17 days........
  17. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Same as most everyone else ? sounds fair enough to me.....
  18. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    If I got money on the table, it is still interesting (to me anyway !!!!) !!!!!).. I'd be curious for more information, but atm, there's more than enough to keep me interested !!!!!!!
  19. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    got in this morning just before the halt at 61c
  20. jaycee

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    yeah not the first time I've heard that for sure unfortunately, I dont know too many other resources... but fortunately I also have close to nothing inveted, so hopefully it might balance out !