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  1. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    hahah you should get out of the momney busihness and into comedy..... :rolleyes:
  2. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    can't argue with the logic there.
  3. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    No Alex is not a he :)
  4. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    I guess I also read this aquesion which you quoted in your answer What is the best thing to eat before exercise? I find if I don't eat anything I get really faint, but if I do eat something I feel really heavy and get a stich! Which I guess you answered also LOL
  5. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Not moments before working out ??
  6. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    And here was me thinking it just helped you shed the kilos while drinking
  7. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    The butcher deli section isn't in the aisles Neither is the fruit & b4ege Nor the bread
  8. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Which is why so many of them always look the picture of health right? Not at all gaunt, unhealthy, pale, wasting away... (sorry, now I'm being b!tchy!) much worse than compared to the look of the average western world Australian /American etc ?
  9. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Vegetarians seem to survive :confused::D
  10. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    No idea about the 2nd paragraph, which is more right , so good luck
  11. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    People don't understand nutrition, therefore have to believe what they are told, something which matches what they've heard (and ignored over the years maybe) in the past might "make more sense" to them than something that sounds so different Anywya, if the protein diet IS just a good way to...
  12. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Steve, I understand why the general pulic sees concern. Cause it sounds almost as extreme as soup or eatnothing diet, considering the normal understanding of nutrition by the general public (eating healthy godd - eating junk bad / fruit & vege's good... fruit & vege bad). In fact if the...
  13. jaycee

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    So you've got less than 7 kilo's to go ? Wow, well done !