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  1. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    Hey... I'm not a bleeding heart...never was, never will be (except when it comes to animals) When you expect nothing from dole bludgers..that is exactly what you get. what I refer to people, who can work, but choose not to, and think everyone owes them a living. Prison...
  2. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    I'm not advocating for one child per family. What I'm saying, bring it back to what it used to welfare for single mums.That is the incentive...and that is where most of this starts. I'm not referring to where the marriage broke down, I'm referring to teenagers/ women having...
  3. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    There are always is just that many politicians are hesitant to use them. The OP asks: No Contraception No Dole??? Well, that best way, is to stop it before it suggested. That is why I always say, get rid of the incentive ..... Recipients will either move back...
  4. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    What do you suggest then?
  5. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ??? a government worker by any chance...
  6. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    There are always people retiring...they can train for those jobs.
  7. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    But skater...these welfare folk, do create a of jobs...government jobs...but like you say, the taxpayer ends up paying for.
  8. kathryn d

    No Contraception, No Dole ???

    No need for doctors to dob anyone for having a baby. They just dont receive any extra benefits. Simple. Over the years we always have a few tenants on 'disability' pensions. Without fail, everyone of them ask if have any jobs for them. We always say no. I mentioned this to one of their...