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  1. kathryn d

    I just thought of a way to save 5 million litres of water every day in Australia!

    We went thru a sugar refinery in Queensland a few months ago. They used and recylced everything with sugar cane. It was quite fascinating.
  2. kathryn d

    I just thought of a way to save 5 million litres of water every day in Australia!

    At the Roadhouse here, they only have dam water (which is very low atm) I overheard a mother and teenage daughter speaking in the station ladies washroom. The mother said to the daughter she had forgotten to shut off the water tap. Daughter replies, she always leaves it running when she pees.
  3. kathryn d

    I just thought of a way to save 5 million litres of water every day in Australia!

    FYI- Roman urine was also used for mouthwash.....useless facts I know.