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  1. kathryn d

    Do you ever mention investing while at work?

    Those are the most fun to have know. Great incentive to have someone tell you, you can't do it. Just say "maybe you can't"...but that doesn't stop me :) Lead by example.
  2. kathryn d

    Do you ever mention investing while at work?

    With me, I don't think they were least at first. I think they thought of investment property as deprevation. I brown bagged my lunches, brought a thermos of coffee. We worked every weekend on our properties. It wasn't until I started talking about moving to Australia, that it...
  3. kathryn d

    Do you ever mention investing while at work?

    I talked openly about it with my co-workers. Occassionally I would be asked for advice.Usually they were having trouble with their LL, and didn't know what to do. I used to tell tales of the trouble some of our tenants caused. They would just keep saying how they would never want to own a...