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  1. kathryn d


    Different banks I guess. My cheques clear instantly with my bank. But I would pay the surcharge over depositing cash..if need be.
  2. kathryn d


    No..I use a cheque from one bank and deposit it in the other bank...if I need to transfer funds into another bank. Cheques are free..internet transfers cost money
  3. kathryn d


    I had made the cash deposit using the ATM, and then the follow complaint of them not crediting me $200 of the deposit. They informed me they would do an investigation. Supposedly there are 2 counters or processors who make sure the deposit is what it says..and supposedly video taped for...
  4. kathryn d


    I also no longer make cash deposits. I use 2 banks, and have had a dispute with each over how much cash I have deposited.If I need to move money from one bank to another, I will write a cheque to myself and deposit it in the other bank.
  5. kathryn d


    Are you making fun of people..who make fun of people?:D
  6. kathryn d


    My former co-workers used to work in nursing homes. They said there was a lot of sex going on there..and not by the staff :D
  7. kathryn d


    Penquins?.....oh....I like to fondly call "livestock" :D I think they like to all meet..and complain about the long lineups...and how it was back in the 'good old days'.