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  1. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    Atheist actually.The following are my opinions, and I don't ask anyone to agree with me. Everyone wants to pretend that being gay is normal, when it isn't. I have worked with a lot of gay people, and almost in every case there is sexual child abuse in their childhood and mental issues now...
  2. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    Sorry, just noticed your post. One brother ended up with a 2 yr old, after the wife left the marriage. She agreed for the child to remain with him. The other brother was the one who wanted a child, as his wife didn't care one way or another. He was more hands on, even though they raised...
  3. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    I wonder how many gays have said "if we could get married, I would", only to kick themslelves now, that it is going to be a reality.
  4. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    TMNT, It boils down to you can't protect your assets, unless you choose to not live with your girlfriend. If you either live with or marry them, there is a good chance you are going to lose most of everything, should the relationship dissolve. Try to get laws changed.
  5. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    If defacto and marriage are basically the same...get married then. The only difference, you want your cake and eat it too. Yes, you are right, I do have a problem with stupid government laws.
  6. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    I'm not disagreeing with you. In law they are no different. That's the problem. The law is wrong !! why have marriage? They should just ban them.
  7. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    I never said anything about limiting choice. If anything, defacto relationships are doing more harm. How does someone who wants to live with someone, but not enough to marry them, protect their assets? At the moment, with great difficulty, right? Marriage should be between a man and woman...
  8. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    Many gays are bringing children into the mix. In schools in canada, they are teaching many relationships as being normal. Defacto realtionships operate like a marriage, because the government gives them all the benfits. A person could ask, why do we even have marriages? The weddings...
  9. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    If you want the defacto relationship to have the same legal standing as a marriage..get married. Otherwise outlaw all marriages. They aren't worth the paper they are written on.
  10. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    Since I'm being asked straight up..I am not going to give a PC answer, but my real answer. I wish Canada didn't allow gay marriages. IMO is another erosion of the family. If you don't want to get married, that is your choice. ATM you are able to have all the benefits of marriage. Defacto...
  11. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    This is a great post. As a mother of a daughter and 3 sons, I'm concerned. I don't want my sons to have everything ripped away from them, along with their children (if they ever have any). I want laws to be fair and 50/50 unless circumstances prove otherwise. The OP was first asking about...
  12. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    Good. Someone living defacto should have no claim on anything unless it is in their own name. They are nothing more than roommates.
  13. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    Maybe in the future, males who want to raise their children, will pay for surrogants. I wonder what females would think about that.
  14. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    I always love the ones where people object to something because it is a sterotype...duh.... It's a sterotype, because it is (or once was) true.
  15. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    TMNT, Should you get involved with someone you want to have a serious relationship, find out how she dealt with her previous partner when they split (if that applies) My husband had sole custody of his 4 yr old son. He was a single dad until we married, just after the child's 11 birthday...
  16. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    As always, I'm the minority.:) I do think the laws are gender based, and in favor of the woman. If the mother then declares she needs to stay home fulltime with the children and claim welfare, give custody to the father.The mother can have the children on her days off,holidays and...
  17. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    My husband was accused of abuse...and eventually won custody, when it was proved the ex lied. It cost $$$$$ bigtime. Just to let fathers know...sometimes justice is served.The mother hasn't bothered to see the son since 2004. Anyways..good luck :)
  18. kathryn d

    can you really protect your assets being a male?

    The double standards are crazy. I'd suggest go for full custody of the children, and ask for child support from her. My husband (Australian) obtained sole custody of his 4 yr old son (now 21 yrs old) and the ex had to pay him child support. A whole $6 week. I don't think either parent...