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  1. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    My husband and I were having this discussion this week. People throw away perfectly good items, along with items that may be broken, but still have some value in their spare parts. We are guilty of this as well, many times. Back in the Great Depression, the amount of rubbish generated...
  2. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    And this is when people should take advantage of the large serve, and share it.
  3. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    Overweight people also don't think they are eating very much. They have no idea what a normal serve actually is. Obesity problem goes back further than 20 years...more like 30-35 years. When I was a kid, going to the restaurant was a treat.I could count on both hands the amount of times I...
  4. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    Conversations naturally go off track...makes them interesting :)
  5. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    The shows also said some other interesting things. Food ingredients are usually the cheapest factors in a restaurant, but labour and overhead usually being most expensive. Most people won't order seconds after their meal, but they are more apt to order an initial larger serving at a higher...
  6. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    After the Extreme Cheapskate show, the next show talked about trials they did.For example: One group of people were fed for 11 days. Over this time each meal was increased in the serving size, and each and every time, the participants ate everything on their plate. They didn't even notice that...
  7. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    To tell you the truth, when I started watching this tv show, I wondered how many people on SS thought of me. I'm frugal, not a cheapskate.
  8. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    Fernfurn, I can understand the sharing of a restaurant meal. Rob and I do that a lot because the portions are so huge. We watched a tv show last night, which showed how the 'supersize' started (actually at a movie theatre in Chicago). After that it was a show on how in the Depression, the...
  9. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    Thanks :) I was a bit hesitant after making this thread...I wondered if I was going to catch a lot of flack instead.
  10. kathryn d

    TV show- Extreme Cheapskates

    Last night, for the first time, I watched this show. Roband I are frugal, but we were disgusted by most of this show. There is something wrong with these people mentally, or it is exaggerated for ratings..probably a combination. Taking your spouse out to the restaurant and then hassling...