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  1. K

    Residex's Dec report - median price for Melbourne & Brisbane to reach $500,000 in 08

    The goalposts move again.......:rolleyes: now it's FHBs cannot even afford on the edge of town. So your parents bought on the edge of town - have you talked to them about why they bought there (& not somewhere better)?, how long did they save before they could afford it? did they get help...
  2. K

    Residex's Dec report - median price for Melbourne & Brisbane to reach $500,000 in 08

    This affordability spiel seems to have moving goalposts - first it was all housing is unaffordable, then FHB can't afford a median priced house, now it's FHBs can't afford any house within (an arbitrary) 1 hour of CBD. Don't forget to add the 20% deposit, FHOG to your sums.... you did make...
  3. K

    Residex's Dec report - median price for Melbourne & Brisbane to reach $500,000 in 08

    Exactly. FHB's aren't supposed to be able to afford a median priced home. All the 2nd (& 3rd) home buyers already have a big deposit 'cos they started with a small PPOR, it appreciated, they paid down principle instead of dead rent money, and magically a large deposit appeared when they...