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  1. lizzie

    The big one is coming say preppers

    And then there are those who know about the bad stuff - but also know about all the good stuff - and choose not to let fear of the bad stuff rule their lives. There is volumes more good than bad happening in the world - but good doesn't make for headline hitting. Name calling does not...
  2. lizzie

    The big one is coming say preppers

    Ah - very good point. Last year my business made nothing - the last three months it's building a nice return so the roi is infinite ...
  3. lizzie

    The big one is coming say preppers

    I couldn't imagine a life lived in fear of what "might" happen ... how depressing and the stress of worrying would kill you before any zombies. Anyhow ... property can do what you want it to do. Sure it takes time if you simply buy and wait. But what if you buy and value add? Might be as...