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  1. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    what will be your additional holding costs if you end up holding for another 6 months? how much will that eat into your projected profits? i'm marching on with our development because we're going to keep the lot for rentals - and rents are only going up around here - but to sell? the market...
  2. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    even if just to get p!ssed and happy! man, i got furious just reading about it. all councils seems to feel happy to add costs willy nilly. we had our da in council for over a month when they suddenly decided they needed a landscape plan. i wasn't allowed to draw something up and submit...
  3. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    i'm so thrilled for you michael - what a wonderful christmas present of lowering the stress. if it were easy everyone would be doing it and there wouldn't be your lovely $1mil profit margin. good on you for your dogged tenacity - you are inspiring ...
  4. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    i'm reading all that you're going thru and am stunned - and take my hat off. we put our application in to council for a 4x2bed townhouse development in early october ... there were no objections and council can't find anything wrong with the plans. so much so that they've felt they had to...
  5. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    thanks guys for the replies - i'll just bide my time and see what progresses. sounds like the lec process is the way to go - if nothing else, it'll put the wind up the council.
  6. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    i'm fascinated by this "council lobbying" aspect. i can understand having to do so when your proposal is pushing the boundaries ('cuse the pun), but would it be necessary if your proposal is compliant in every manner? i ask this because our next development (currently with the architect - 4...
  7. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    great result michael - inching closer. we've currently struck a problem with overshadowing with one of our rebuilds, so the architect and i are frantically tweaking the plans every which way to squeeze a bit more sunlight out for the neighbours - have resolved one adjoining shadow problem -...
  8. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    thanks for the update michael - getting closer!! can you just put up a sign saying you have a security camera? you don't acutally need the camera but it could save the nusiance factor.
  9. lizzie

    Mona Vale Townhouse Development - Update

    hahahahahahaha - geoff strikes again. that was sooooo funny ... good luck michael and i'm sure you'll have no problems at council if there are no other objections and this guy is a known git. they would've had to advise you as part of due process. i'm following this with interest as...