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  1. lizzie

    Some people are making it harder...

    the pension was a great idea - when you worked to 65 and dropped dead before 70 - as they did when the pension was introduced. now with working til 60 and then living for another 20+ years, it just doesn't compute. it is interesting looking at the new generation of nearing reitrees. really...
  2. lizzie

    Some people are making it harder...

    also - having read robert k - you will understand that they were bought up and educted in the "industrial age" which is no longer relevant to the future. you have entered the "information age", a period of time you parents don't understand and weren't taught about. it's a bit like trying...
  3. lizzie

    Some people are making it harder...

    after a few years of banging the head on the brick wall i came to the simple conclusion. talk investing and real estate with those in the family who do likewise or are genuinely interested (ie, they bring up the topic), talk other stuff with the others. you will never change a mindset -...