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  1. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    in country's like the usa, where they have the computerised voting, voting is optional - so only those who want to vote for a particular party actually go to do so, hence, no donkey votes.
  2. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    i think they were the donkey voted when you're not making a donkey vote. more a protest against rather vote for.
  3. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    you know what's really great ... we can have a hung parliment, with no real result, so no stable government - and most of us don't really care as what will be will be. no blood in the streets, no protests, isn't it great. worst case scenario is that we have to vote again
  4. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    sheesh that was hard ... got in there and put my 1 in the liberal box - then hit a wall. the only others on the ballot paper were greens (never), labor (making my protest in a neglected safe labor seat), fred nile party and 3 socialist-communist parties. i guess as i voted liberal that my...
  5. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    i stand humbly corrected - i should have said "one of" the safest seats. i only caught the end of the news item last night and thought they said safest, but obviously not. i do not understand newcastle people, we haven't even had the pointy end of the stick for decades - merely no stick at...
  6. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    actually, they were the only party that "didn't" observe the no junk mail. didn't receive anything from any of the other parties. my seat is the safest labor seat in the country - needs over 16% swing to lose. i'll be registering my vote by voting for the other guy. as he said on the news...
  7. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    please let it be over! :o i had to laugh today. i have a "no unadressed (junk) mail" sign on my letter box, only to find a leaflet in it from the greens, combined with a pamphlet saying "we realise you have a no junk mail sticker (actually it's a stainless steel plaque) on your letter box...
  8. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    that's why you shouldn't be so damn lazy - fill in every box on the lower house form!
  9. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    polling in the local paper during the week was a good reflection of the market. the vote was almost evenly split 3 ways: julia tony gee, i wish there was someone else to vote for that would explain the greens.
  10. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    Oiy (big deep voice) youse calling me ' bogan! :eek: meet you at the back 'o the pub and we'll sort this out proper like .... actually, i initially thought julia would win but said nothing about me voting for her. i vote local, not for the leader half a country away. julia always annoyed...
  11. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    i think i initially voted that gillard would win - but - sheesh - she's really starting to annoy me. all tony has to do is keep his mouth shut and julia will hand him the election.
  12. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    well - with julia's "a la johnny howard" illegal immigrantion policy, they are giving nothing for the libs to argue against. if she keeps on this track of pincing all the favorable liberal policies, labour will blitz in ... not that i vote labour!
  13. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    hey - i don't support labor, but i voted for them in this poll because i believe they will get back in will gillard at the helm. especially now that she's come to an agreement with the mining tax. doesn't mean i'm leaning .... to early for a drink anyhow.
  14. lizzie

    Abbott or Gillard...?

    although i wish it wasn't - i believe and election called now would result in gillard. bring back costello or turnbull!