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    When she earns more than him

    Because having kids benefits society overall. Just like I don't mind some of my (future, when I return to the workforce) tax dollars going to support/subsidise kids studying full-time, or roads built in parts of the country I don't travel to, incentives to businesses to take on trainees, etc., etc..

    When she earns more than him

    Agreed. I do wish though that careers advisors at school would at least raise the issue of juggling career and family when you get older. I went to a selective girls school and I know a lot of high-achieving, high-salaried women who were always told they could do anything, achieve anything...

    When she earns more than him

    No point paying women to take time off to have babies if there's no childcare places to put said babies into once mat leave payments run out and woman has to return to work.

    When she earns more than him

    I think the booing is because it will be less generous than promised. But I don't think throwing money at maternity leave is the solution anyway.

    When she earns more than him

    I get it, but it's just disappointing that's all. And disappointing that small companies are pushed into that corner.

    When she earns more than him

    Here's what I don't get: 1. Population growth is good for the economy 2. Having women in jobs is good for the economy 3. But no one wants to shoulder any of the responsibility for the overlap between these two things.

    When she earns more than him

    The thing I find hardest about being a full-time mum is not having a second to think. It's a different kind of 'hard'. Until you've done it, I don't think you can really understand it. I used to work back office at an investment bank, and while I wasn't an important worker, the workload could...