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  1. luckyone

    New push bike laws

    Jaywalking is not dangerous if cars are not around. Same goes for pedestrians running red lights. If they do it while cars are around, that's a whole different story.
  2. luckyone

    New push bike laws

    That is NOT what I said!! This is what I said See the clearly very dangerous part?!?!? Simply choosing to ignore stuff now?
  3. luckyone

    New push bike laws

    Because, no matter if it's your fault or not you're still going to suffer from the mental anguish of knowing that you either seriously injured or killed someone. Some people never overcome this, no matter whether it's their fault or not. I just don't want to ever be put in that situation.
  4. luckyone

    New push bike laws

    I don't know about in Perth, but here in Canberra I barely see any skateboarders, and if I do they're usually at a skateboarding park or on the footpath. So to me, that's not a valid argument. As for pedestrians, I don't regularly get cut-off by them, see them run red lights when it's clearly...
  5. luckyone

    New push bike laws

    I mainly want a number plate to be displayed on the bike so you have some means of recourse if they do something wrong. And of course it would allow them to be fined by the police if they do something wrong. Maybe lifetime registration could be introduced for a one-off fee like with dogs?