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  1. M

    Defense Housing potential????

    The risk-free low hanging fruit in Australian property is mostly gone, taken by those who got in early. A good deal of what remains is potentially rotten and overpriced, relative to long term inflated-adjusted projections. Property that yields the most is often (but not always) overpriced...
  2. M

    Defense Housing potential????

    As with many investments, high yield can indicate danger to your capital. If an apartment developer tried such a stunt, promising extraordinarily high yields etc and the investments, when sold, giving minimal capital gain, he'd be run out of town soon enough. Government run bodies are not...
  3. M

    Defense Housing potential????

    DHA is a mixed bad indeed, with much of what they sell being overpriced. Using patriotism to delude people into buying overpriced houses seems very unjust. But if you want to do your bit for 'Straya why not give it a go? Personally I think I'd be helping the country more by not putting...
  4. M

    Defense Housing potential????

    That hardly beats inflation. One's money would be safer under the bed than in the overpriced scam that is Defence Housing.
  5. M

    Defense Housing potential????

    If there is such a thing as cheap defence housing, I have yet to see it. The DHA is about sucking in patriots to house servicemen on the cheap. The only winner is the government.