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  1. M

    Buy now Pay later (NSW)

    some one raised a good point. if you happen to meet/see Luke foley, can you please ask: What happens if FHB defaults on home loan in two years and been forced to sell home, how and when and how OSR will collect due balance of Stamp duty?:cool::cool:
  2. M

    Buy now Pay later (NSW)

    guy who ran London metro is in charge of NSW transport now.... and he is using his wealth of knowledge to get best out of with whatever limited transport network we have. but i defiantly agree with you.... logistic and infrastructure are biggest issue. NSW govt is sort of tackling a...
  3. M

    Buy now Pay later (NSW)

    it is not as difficult as it sounds.. Sydney is flooded with Granny flat due to introduction on state wide policy and introduction of private certifiers. apply the same principal and theory with multi dwelling and apartments. bottleneck is at council level.....
  4. M

    Buy now Pay later (NSW)

    super industry will make sure that doesn't happen!
  5. M

    Buy now Pay later (NSW) What do they think?? do they really think or consult anyone in banking industry? lender will take that as ongoing expense and it will reduce borrowing capacity of FHB...