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  1. M has officially.....

    I'm sure the RE developers heard Nathan's ranting and raging and decided to release a few more features to appease him. :D
  2. M has officially.....

    It's not a matter of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". In this modern age of information - you have to be at the forefront of new technologies. You have to be using AJAX, HTML5, Ruby-on-Rails and a dozen other web 2.0 technologies that I can't be arsed naming to make your product the one people...
  3. M has officially.....

    Lil - have you tried blocking the ads?
  4. M has officially.....

    Working in IT, I get this all the time too. It's only the 5% of "intense" users that btch and moan when an interface is changed. Everyone else accepts it. If the site really and truly is horrendous (ie, bad design, bad decision), then it will be reverted. Missing functionality will eventually be...
  5. M has officially.....

    I actually quite like it. I'll have to use it for a day and comment more, but on the surface it looks great. Seriously, the old web site was dated. It had a 2001 look and feel, and I always considered to be a superior design and tended to use it more by default. I use an...