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  1. natmarie73

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Yes I know. I never said rice or other good carbs will make you gain weight if you are eating a healthy diet. I have cut carbs specifically to lose weight fast and remain in a state of ketosis where my body burns fat as energy instead of carbs. Once I get to an ideal size I can then...
  2. natmarie73

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Another reason I have cut carbs out of my diet - I used to crash horribly in the early afternoon and have sugar cravings all day like some sort of junkie. Now I don't think about food at all and am kept satisfied with lots of healthy snacks throughout the day and my last meal (protein and...
  3. natmarie73

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    I am by no means an expert on nutrition or diets but have found that the only way I can lose fat is to cut out carbs almost completely especially sugars. Like others have said your diet is quite high in sugar Basically I don't eat bread, cereal or grains, fruit apart from berries in...