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  1. N

    Why buy Negatively Geared Properties? I think the calculations are wrong

    The issue im referring to has nothing to do with equity. Imagine for a moment you had HEAPS of equity (like $10 million for example), have you looked at the effects of capitalising the interest? My point is that the capitalised interest will eventually catch up and get to a point where the tax...
  2. N

    Why buy Negatively Geared Properties? I think the calculations are wrong

    This does not work if the spouse has met a condition of release. eg if Wife is working and is 45, husband is 55 and retired (hence meeting a condition of release), wife cannot transfer to husband. If husband was 55 and still working then this would be fine.
  3. N

    Why buy Negatively Geared Properties? I think the calculations are wrong

    Im curious to know if you've actually modelled this in a financial software (not excel... unless your excel skills are that kick a$$ that it factors everything in). Last time i modelled something like this, it only worked up until the 5th or 7th year (depending on the variables). Once past the...