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  1. N

    Owners Interested In Renting Back

    I would have used 3% (ie matching inflation instead :P)
  2. N

    Owners Interested In Renting Back

    Delayed settlement could work if 1. They were looking for a new home and wanted to sell the old one before committing to a new one. 2. They are in a fixed loan (because breakcosts suck). This way they can have their cake and eat it too. They have a sense of security as the place is...
  3. N

    Owners Interested In Renting Back

    What about delaying settlement instead? ie secure the price you're prepare to buy it for, then have a delayed settlement. This way they dont need to pay rent, you arent liable for anything, you dont need to worry about paying interest (which is better for you if the place is negatively...