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  1. N

    Strata Levies in arrears, only just found out!!

    I know that some (maybe most) PM's can rather lazy. However that's not an excuse. If what I described is defined as going "above an beyond" we truly live in a really shiithole of a society.
  2. N

    Strata Levies in arrears, only just found out!!

    My PM sent me all the authority forms to sign to make this happen. He then took care of the rest. This was all part of the initial sign up.
  3. N

    Strata Levies in arrears, only just found out!!

    This is the difference between a good PM and a bad PM. My PM has his own check list. Any time he takes on a new client. After confirming with the owner that they want him to pay the bills on their behalf, he contacts Council, Water, strata and has all the invoices directed to his business.