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  1. N


    Todays reality is last year extremism Lets have a look at my extreme views that is alluded by that section of Somersofters who believe that property is largely immune to financial firestorm that is engulfing the world. Back in Febuary 2008 in a post on Somersoft on superannuation I borrowed...
  2. N


    Your right Nifty I'm just a silly little twit who doesn't even own an outhouse to plop me backside on.:D Don't know why you knobs just don't tick the ignore button if my posts so irritate you. Ok I'll do it for you. Have a nice life on the government pension ani
  3. N


    Hi Ben if the government is dumb enough to give you and your family a low income supplement why wouldn't you take it ? So much of that money goes back into the pokies. If your smart you would take $1000 of that money for you and another $1000 for your wife and make an undeducted contribution...
  4. N


    Hi KYL; Now that the big 4 have control again we will I believe eventually see a return to fatter bank margins. They use to charge in the 80's an extra 2% if the property was for investment rather than your PPOR. I agree we all have different paths but as sophisticated investors...
  5. N


    Hi Ben; We both know that shrouds don't have pockets, you can't take it with you. From your post not so many years ago we were in your position. You and we are not like 80% of the population. Some day you will have jealous friends and family telling you how lucky your are:rolleyes...
  6. N


    Hi Will I think that is why some are so upset with me when I talk 40-50% that does not factor in the negative gearing. In Brighton the drop so far is 21%. It tends to go first. Still expecting another 29% in the next 18 months. Would be rapt if it remains at 21% for the next 3 years.
  7. N


    Hi ffc; When we sold in 2003 we got top dollar for the house. It was a record price per square foot in that street. We went from owning a liability into a commercial property that was putting money into our pocket. Just in cash flow alone we are miles ahead. The capital gain is a...
  8. N


    Hi BR Each to their own I guess. If your serious about long term wealth you don't go far if your wiped out and have to start from zero. I haven't advocated you get out of the market entirely just that you protect yourself by getting your gearing down to thirty percent (That concept seems to...
  9. N


    Have you thought about setting up an SMSF and a bare trust so that you can purchase one or more properties in super as it gives you some protection long term against your creditors and the banks once you have it paid off? Regards NR
  10. N


    See above bill:D
  11. N


    Hi HiE; You won't like my answer. I think we are going to see deflation first because world trade has already fallen off a cliff. People are gradually pulling back their expenditures. I then think you are going to see property values tank as I've said before. That is going to destabilise our...
  12. N


    Hello KYL; If you think my tone has been strident on this board you should talk to my wife and kids for the last 18 months they have been to hell and back with me over what has evolved. My accountant and solicitor both though my business must be going under because of my sudden...
  13. N


    Hi Bill I had a bit of a chuckle about your observation on unlimited constructs of man. Seems the other day the ex finance Minister of Zimbabwe congradulated the EU, UK and the US for following Robert Mugabe's lead in quantitative easing that he instructed the Zimbabwe reserve bank to follow so...
  14. N


    Hello Bill and I'll include Kum yin lau as well. There is a problem with what you think is ocurring and reality. You talk about if a financial armageddon were to happen and I know if you read the local press they still argue if we are in a recession ? The reality is an enormous portion of...
  15. N


    Just to get a clear picture of where your coming from Keith. Is your residential holdings freehold real estate or is it in Stata Title or Stratum? The vast majority of property investors only hold one or two properties. Once you get up to six and more your looking at a fraction of a...
  16. N


    Hello KY. Maybe you should examine the other side of the ledger rather than just accepting the prevailing view point. The reason the world is in trouble is because people don't allow for black swan events like the one we are now facing. Here is a very good article on the coming devaluation...
  17. N


    Are you serious Keith:confused: A limited recourse also incorrectly termed a nonrecourse loan means that if your investment fails the bank only takes the property. I would respectfully suggest that as a resi investor the bank well and truely has you by the short and curlies. When you sign on the...
  18. N


    Here is an interesting link that you should look at by a fellow who does not dismiss the possibility of a total melt down. He discusses ways to analyse what is best for you. The link I have given you is the last of a series of talks about the changes we face in the next 20 years...
  19. N


    You have a very selective memory about my views red hot chillie. Lets go back and see what I said before the stock market crashed and what I said about the world economy looking forward I started this post entitled "The soft depression we had to have" on the 15.09.2008 about three weeks...
  20. N


    I think I'm going to start to call you black and blue (BB) cause like a punch drunk boxer your posts are becoming more and more desperate talking wild swings into fresh air. Those cauliflower ears that Mr market has given you with the beating must be oozing with red ink and that is why you...