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  1. P

    interest rates at 10% in two years

    Yes. Especially if its fixed :P Hehe, I realise there is not a one-to-one correspondence between changes in the short term rate and longer term rates. It was just an (admittedly contrived) example because in discussions about interest rates you can't assume everyone is paying variable with a...
  2. P

    interest rates at 10% in two years

    Yes. Was just pointing out that some headline rates are already quite high, so if you were the sort of person that wanted to push peoples buttons to sell newspapers you could swing it pretty easily.
  3. P

    interest rates at 10% in two years

    The 10 year fixed rate at CBA is ~8.5% Would only take 1.5% rise to get it to 10% - if the rba raised .25% at every second meeting we'd still be there in about a year. Now realistically who pays the 10 year fixed rate? But why let details like that get in the way of a good headline
  4. P

    interest rates at 10% in two years

    heres the link
  5. P

    interest rates at 10% in two years

    yes i think that's kinda the point
  6. P

    interest rates at 10% in two years

    thats about where i am expecting them to end up, the rba cash rate was 7.25 at its peak in 08, add 2% margin for the banks and you're not far off 10%. Wouldnt surprise me if they got near it again.