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  1. recruit2

    Canberra Buyers freeze...

    Expecting to just rock up in the capital city, without a decent deposit and/or decent income and instantly buy a large house is dreaming too. People need to set goals and chip away at them without expecting to get everything instantly.
  2. recruit2

    Canberra Buyers freeze...

    Bloody good on you I say rugrat. Keep pushing the throttle down hard all the way and yes ignore the naysayers. I hate naysayers. You are going fantastically well.
  3. recruit2

    Canberra Buyers freeze...

    My IP is in Canberra so I'm enjoying the growth, but I definitely won't be buying the next place there - way too expensive to get back into. Canberra is just a sure/safe reliable bet. The income floating around in that small area is amazing and that is what makes it a different kettle of fish...